Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Thursday

Today we started out with reading. We each read our own books for about twenty minutes. Then we read our class book, Time Stops for No Mouse. After this we started working on our booklet for JA Biztown. Then Mr. Carter started talking to us about money and how some people make only three dollars a week. To those people that is a lot. Next we went to music. In music we are practicing for our musical, Snow Biz.
Next we watched a five minute movie on the correct way to sneeze (while having snack). We also wrote m down our Latin Roots. After writing down Latin Roots, we went to Science. In Science we are learning astronomy. Here comes every kids favorite part of the day, recess and lunch. For lunch we had the choice of Pizza, Turkey Chef Salad or PB and J. Which leads us to now, Math. I have work to do. Bye.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maria awesome job. i loved writing on the blog.