Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Kids Are Alright

I'm trying hard to make this blog a more critical part of my communications system, in case you haven't noticed. I wanted to make sure I posted this link to help out too:


This is my classroom website, which was recently updated (and I need to do more on it, I realize) by Brady McG. He did put everything on it I asked him to. You can see a class picture on there too. It's pretty cool.

We started reading The Westing Game today, which is a great mystery story. We're not done with our biographies yet, either, as the kids found out just today. It's not a big paper or anything, though, so don't worry. We've also still got one mystery play to do, but we're going to wait until tomorrow or Thursday.

DARE started today also for the fifth graders. That's what's going on right now, actually. Officer Pitman is working with the kids during this time.

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