Friday, December 8, 2006

Every Day Counts

Well, this week turned out a little busier than I'd hoped. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of valuable stuff in there, like Everybody Counts, for instance, but we didn't get nearly as much stuff finished as I wanted to. During the next week, I'm really hoping to get some of this stuff finished or up and running:

-I truly hope we have some seeds on our plants. If we don't, that's okay, but it's a lot more fun to learn about stuff if you can actually see it!
-We need to be able to do some Grammar Voyage exercises. We went over this yesterday, but we need to have some exercises under our belts before we can move on with the school year.
-We need to do subsequent readings of our Junior Great Books story. We will do that this week.
-We also need to read our nonfiction books, Immigrant Kids. I passed them out to the kids, but we didn't get started on them.
-We also need to do our Caesar's English test and grade DOLs on Monday.

We'll do our best!

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