Sunday, February 25, 2018

Somewhere There Is a Slope-Intercept Equation to Prove This

Happy ISTEP week, everyone. When I coached karate, we used to say, "Happy Tournament Day" whenever appropriate. Maybe we can just look at the first round as a four-day Tournament Day. Just show off what you can do.

Get plenty of sleep, too. Exhaustion won't help anyone. And if you're sick--heaven knows we've been there in and out over the last week--stay home. Taking a test while you're sick isn't going to help anyone either, after all. Certain people at the school won't like me saying that, because the kids will have to make it up at some point when they come back, but I'm going out on a limb and saying that it will be better for everyone.

One more thing: protein! Eat some peanut butter or some eggs or sausage or your protein of choice in the morning. It's good for your mental juices.

More to come later, but this is my morning blast. (I've had my protein.)

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