Saturday, August 27, 2016

No Room For Empty Spikes

Yesterday was one incredibly busy day for Area 51.

After Math, we had music. The kids are already working hard on their fifth grade musical--the long-awaited sequel to last year's fifth grade pirates show. All the talk around the fifth grade is who is going to get which part in the big production, so I'm sure everyone is going to put their best into this show.

Mrs. Davis came after music to read to the class. She read a book that was donated to my last year from Mr. Scott "Sco" Croner. It's called What Do You Do With an Idea? It's all about how you can change the world with an idea. The kids were really good for her, and I am hoping we can have her back at some point, and I am also thinking about bringing in a bunch of other guest readers. I've never really done that, but I think this could be a pretty cool ongoing thing.

Next, we went to Mrs. Haberfield's classroom in first grade. On most Fridays, we will visit that class to play some math games with them. We have had a partnership with Mrs. Haberfield's class for some time, and it's always fun. Her math class has 30 kids in it, so our meager 23 students had to double up with some of them, but it was all good.

Our visit with 1-2 was brief, however, because yesterday we finally got to go back in and finish up the reading section of our NWEA testing in the computer lab.

From there, we practically sprinted back to the classroom where I was able to squeeze in a few pages of The Genius Files before heading off to lunch.

After recess, I had a meeting to attend for a chunk of our tiny afternoon, but I am incredibly thankful that Mrs. Dawson was the one to fill in so the kids could do their states and capitals quiz.

Finally, we sang our song just in time for the final bell.

I'll type up some more tomorrow about the upcoming week, but that was our Friday. I hope everyone is in the midst of a nice restful weekend.

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