Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Excavating the Future

An owl pellet is made up of the regurgitated bones and fur of an owl's prey. I told the kids all about this yesterday morning, and then today, the kids got the chance to begin picking away at their own owl pellets. As you can imagine, the reactions thus far have been pretty mixed, but I'm hopeful in our future biologists. They have their bone charts as well as the animals that they might find within the digested nuggets of compacted fur, beaks, bones, and teeth.  

The kids are digging very carefully, so as not to break any bones. They are like little archaeologists or forensic scientists carefully combing through the pellets to try and figure out what their owl had for lunch on the day their regurgitations were harvested.

I think everyone would probably agree that this is a little more interesting and exciting than our unit on matter. 

The kids also performed their skits today from Social Studies/Reading a couple weeks ago. One of the groups took it really seriously, but then the other half didn't. Luckily it was an assignment from an already-completed quarter. 

Hope everybody has a pleasant Tuesday evening. 

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