Monday, January 25, 2016

The Daily Pursuit


I went over the spelling definitions with the kids already, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to go over them a couple times this week. A couple of them, like ensue and lawsuit, are kind of hard to use in a sentence correctly.

Secondly, I wanted to let you know that I have been much better about updating the grades so far this semester. That said, all of the grades are still not in the grade book, which means the grades are not necessarily accurate as of right now. For instance, I still need to grade and/or enter grades for a Caesar's English quiz (word study), a Social Studies test, a math quiz, Roanoke pop quiz (the first one), and something else too, probably. So before you ground your child for a month, just wait.

Lastly, with Colonial Days just around the corner, I hear that Mrs. Bailey still needs some juice can lids for the tin punch activity. So if you don't mind, hold off on making that upcycled wind chime you saw on Pinterest and send your next couple weeks' worth of juice can lids (you know, the kind you'd find on juice concentrate cans) in with your child to Woodbrook instead. I'll make sure they get to Jacob so he can take them home and help his mom prepare to have a whole morning of listening to the pounding of nails through aluminum and into blocks of wood with mallets. (Bless you, Mrs. Bailey.)

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