Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It Should Be Raining Frogs Any Minute Now

I'm proud to say that the day went by without too much tomfoolery (today's Word of the Day).  I did receive a "brownie" (which turned out to be a "brown E") from one student, but not to worry, the kids did have a special quiz today that left a few kids scratching their heads.

For their writing and reading homework tonight, the students need to read this article (they have a hard copy that was sent home with them) and answer the question "Do you think this is a good way to get students more interested in their school work? Why or why not?" They need to attach their answer to the back of the rubric, which was also sent home.

Here it is, just in case:

  •        Did you begin by restating the question in your own words?  (2 points)
           Did you answer completely, appropriately, and with a full paragraph (five to eight sentences)? (4 points)
           Did you use only complete sentences? (2 points)
           Did you appropriately punctuate and capitalize your response? (2 points)

    Sorry about the formatting there! It doesn't quite copy and paste with ease.

    Today we did a lot of work in Social Studies, vocabulary, and significant progress is being made on the students' outlines. Many have been turned in at this point, and many are still being worked on. And that is totally okay. 

    The kids also read an article and filled out the third column on some work we had done together in class yesterday, only this time they did the writing portion on their own.

    Lastly, my Math class has only a fraction review page tonight (instead of last night's three pages). I returned last night's homework to them today to study with for the big test on Thursday. 

1 comment:

germansquid said...

the brown E was from me