Thursday, April 24, 2014

Another Chance To Get It Right

We accomplished quite a bit today, but as always, my scholastic eyes are bigger than my plate of time. We did manage to:
  • get our terrariums (terraria?) ready for the earthworms, crickets, and anoles. After school, Lucas and Evan manned up and got the earthworms wrangled into the terrariums so that they can start fertilizing the humus. 
  • most of the students wrapped up their vocabulary journals, and some of them even got their research papers handed in today. It's good to see those start trickling in, and it sure does help that we had computer lab today. 
  • kind of read our health booklets. I get the feeling that excerpts of these books are going to have to make it into our reading time next week. The good thing is that we should have a little less to do while ISTEP testing, which should give us a chance get caught up on some incidentals like this. 

Here's what we didn't accomplish today:
  •  I wasn't able to meet with the group that's reading Fever 1793 today. Our first official "having read" meeting, and it was curtailed. This will be remedied tomorrow. 
  • We didn't do a GCL today, even though it was all printed out and ready to go. We will do it tomorrow, and then probably grade them on Monday. 
I'll call it a loss leader. 

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