Thursday, January 31, 2019

Pieces of Twelve

Oh, come on, you uptight stuffed shirts at CBS affiliate KDKA in Pittsburgh! Everybody knows Tom Brady cheated against the Colts in 2015. He knows he cheated. His fans know he cheated. There is no denying it, unless you're Alex Guerrero, who has a vested interest in promoting his health cult plan, TB12. And even he knows. It's just not in his best interest to admit it out loud. On behalf of all Colts and Steelers fans, just let it go. Is this really where you should draw the line on journalistic integrity? There is nothing else in the United States right now that is more important where you could make an example?

Anyway, at least we all (and by all, I mean the rest of the NFL and the rest of the United States) get this story (click here if you're smart and not on social media) about a boy in Kentucky who did his research project to prove that Tom Brady is, by use of the scientific method, proven to be a cheater.

The Patriots have done nothing but make Superbowls boring more often than not in the last ten or fifteen years.

Way to go, Ace Davis! You're one awesome ten year old who probably doesn't even remember Deflategate.

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