Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Shape of the Cape

Scroll down to last week, when I had missed Batman Day.

See that picture of Batman I posted? The artwork is that of Mr. Norm Breyfogle. I know that means nothing to you, but way back when I first started reading comics, in the year 1989 (prehistoric, eh?), his vision of Batman was the first one I read, and not only that, but that I could recognize by the artist.

Norm Breyfogle died today. He'd had a stroke last year, and was known to be pretty weak.

What I liked about his art was what he did with Batman's cape. It took on an almost abstract shape, and it made a book drawn by Norm stand out in the crowd.

I had something else planned for today's post, but that's going to wait until tomorrow.

Rest in peace, Norm! The fourteen year old kid in me comes back to life whenever I see your artwork again.

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