Monday, May 14, 2018


Today we had a visit from the Carmel Clay Public Library. You should have received some information about this in your child's backpack today. It's about the summer reading program. Come on, please keep your kids reading over the summer!

We also learned about the four major spheres of the earth today. It turns out there is much more than just an atmosphere--it is joined by the biosphere, the hydrosphere, and the geosphere. These are joined by many more spheres, as we found out today, but these are the only ones the kids will need to know. Hopefully our activities over the next few days will make this much easier to learn.

Your kids are tuning out! Today, I gave the students about fifteen to twenty minutes to work on a Social Studies assignment, and over 90% (seriously) sat there and stared into space and waited out the clock. You can expect this to come home tomorrow as homework.

In class today, we did some research for refuting the evidence that we are trying to prove in our argumentative essays. We don't have much time left, so expect us to fire on all cylinders on this for the next few days.

It is my quest to teach the kids as much as possible in the time we have left. They cannot afford to be tuned out any more than they can expect to during middle school.

I hope everyone has had a great Monday evening. More to come tomorrow!

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