Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Full Blue Blood

Okay, I nearly got through this whole day having forgotten that today was the day of the Full Blue Blood Moon--plus an eclipse!

This much about today. Whether they realize it or not, all teachers dread a full moon. Something about it actually makes the kids go nuts.

Anyway, let's speak literally for a minute. According to, a Full Blue Blood Moon (even without the eclipse) is:

The moon is full, and it's the second full moon of the calendar month, which has been termed a blue moon. The moon is on a 28-day cycle, so that happens only once in a while – or, as you might say, once in a blue moon.
 Add in an eclipse? Well, you get a literally astronomical phenomenon.

What a year it's been for astronomy fans (and a teacher who teaches astronomy to his class)!

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