Friday, May 1, 2015

All in the Name of Science

The kids worked diligently at opening up and excavating their owl pellets. In our animal adaptations unit, the students learned about one of an owl's adaptations, which allows it to swallow a rodent whole, absorb its nutrients into its bloodstream, and the regurgitate the bones and fur into a little nugget. Sound disgusting? One thing I appreciate about these kids is that their "yucks" and "grosses" turn into oohs and ahhs as they explore nature's little worlds.

You should have seen them assembling skeletons, trying to figure out what animal was consumed by looking at their bone charts, and trying so hard not to break any skulls as they scraped away the feathers and fur that had been compacted in the digestion process.

Don't worry, these things had been microwaved until they are pretty darn sterile. I told the kids that this didn't mean it was okay to eat them, but at least they're not going to get germs from having handled them.

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