Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pattern Recognition

Today in Math we had a "pop quiz" (which they already knew about). I think everyone did a pretty good job on it, but as of this typing, they are not yet carefully graded.

I want to make sure everyone remembers to study for the Social Studies test tomorrow. We corrected their study guides in class today. These were due today, and I was lenient this time, because I had a few people who had not completed it. In the future, this will be counted against their homework grade.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is our first spelling test!

Adios for now. And to the kids who nominated me for the ice bucket challenge, I will get the video up later tonight, because I have to be Sensei Carter and teach at the dojo tonight.


Cookie Monster said...

Hey Mr.carter

Jeff said...

Mitchel! What's up, old boy?

Cookie monster said...

Nothing much just homework. And pretty soon a new little boy/girl don't know yet.

Cookie monster said...

Boy scouts is awesome everyone join it

Cool Guy Conn said...
