The following is an open letter that I e-mailed to my local circle of influence today. I altered the names slightly to prevent stalkers from being a bunch of creepy lurkers.
Hey, Guys--
Just a reminder about Relay for Life coming up June 7-June 8, 10am to 10am. Several of you have already signed up, and I thank you for that.
Here's an update on what's going on for Team Woodbrook:
1.) It looks like we've met our capacity for the team members. They've started cutting us off at 20, but that doesn't mean you can't still register for Team Woodbrook! It looks like Eric F. had to start a new team (and I thank him for that). It's simply called "Woodbrook". As far as I'm concerned, I consider us to be one big team, and nothing about our team changes. Keep joining, and if you need to start a new team, just make it Woodbrook II or something like that.
2.) About on-site fundraising: SH is heading that one up. We're going to sell pulled pork sandwiches in the late afternoon/evening. I personally think this is awesome.
3.) Mrs. G and Mrs. R are holding a bake sale at WB Wednesday night (moms and dads of kids in my class, you know this already), and so that takes care of pre-event fundraising. But if you'd like to make a donation, I'm not going to stop you! You can make a check out to the American Cancer Society and either bring it into the school, or mail it to me at 4311 E 116th St, Carmel IN, 46033.
4.) I'm working with the kids on ideas for an activity during the Relay. As Carmel Relay continues to grow, we're starting to focus on this as being a big community event, beyond just the relay itself. The kids have had all kinds of awesome ideas, and I think we're going to go with the funniest one: dropping stuff off the top of the stadium and trying to land it in the target. Tell me we won't have any takers on that one. I still have to talk to the Logistics Committee on that one, though. Also, we're thinking about having "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" again this year, as last year it was a pretty major hit.
5.) For members of my class and their folks: So far, I've had five students sign up to help with the distribution of the Luminaria bags around the track from about 6:30-8:00. These tough guys are Michael C., George P., Nick S., Jack E., and Andy R. I'm sure we'll get a few more, but I wanted to give everyone the FYI just in case your kid is on that list and you're not planning on being there at that time.
6.) We're supposed to keep someone on the track for the whole 24 hours, with the exception of three of the hours. From 4:00-5:00 Saturday night is the Fight Back Ceremony, from 9:00-10:00 Saturday night is the Luminaria Ceremony, and there's one other time that I forget right now. The first lap after the Opening Ceremony (this might be the phantom hour) is the Survivor's Lap, so any cancer survivors out there, you might want to make sure you're there during that one.
If you'd like to sign up, please visit this site and sign right up. If you have any problems, let me know.
I'm really looking forward to this year's Relay for Life. Come on out and join the team and join the fun!
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